Proposal Thesis

Submitted by:

The Student of Department of English
Reg.No: 231 324 201

2016 – 2017


A.  Background of study
Teachers play a dominant role toward the successful of the students. They are the agents who share knowledge and become a model for their students. Being in that position means teacher should be qualified as a professional one who is capable mastering the teaching material, experienced with many models of learning and methods, have good characters and other positive attitudes that can motivate their students in learning.
To assure the running of the students in learning, there are many points to consider. One of them is by actively giving oral corrective feedback. According to Brookhart (2008) “in a broader meaning, feedback is information (eg; correction, advised, guidance, progress) provided by teachers to their students about his performance in a given material, in order to raise up the performance”.“It is also very important and can give positive effect to the development of students’ performance” as noted by Denisi (1996), Hattie and Timperley (2007) in their research.
As an example when the researcher were doing a survey at junior and senior high school, the researcher met many excellent English teachers those actively offered oral corrective feedback. However, only those who well possed a good way of oral corrective feedback did impressed the researcher to study seriously among others. Those who served good oral corrective feedback, in the researcher perception, mostly had the same strategies. For instance, remembered students’ name, always knew the exact time when to give it, correcting by informing than judging and addressed it individually. So that students knew what to do.
The problem than, it is believed that almost all teachers use the oral corrective feedback; but not all those feeback successfully give at perfect timeand have positive impact to the students.
Based on the background above, this condition inspires the researcher to conduct research under title STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARD TEACHER’S ORAL CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSROOM AT SMPN 3

B.     Research Questions
Realizing the importance of giving feedback as the researcher has explained above, the research questions of this research formulated as follows:
1.      How does teachers’ strategies in delivering oral corrective feedback in the classroom?
2.      How are students’ perceptions toward the strategy of giving the corrective oral feedback?

C.    The Aims of Study
The purposes of the study are to find out the English teacher’s strategies in delivering oral corrective feedback and the students’ perceptions toward the strategy of giving the corrective oral feedback.

D.    Significance of the Study
The significance of the studies are;
1.      For the writer (researcher)
By doing this analysis perhaps researcher will know about English teacher’s strategies in delivering oral corrective feedback and the students’ perceptions toward the strategy of giving the corrective oral feedback, researcher will choose this method as one of solution to evaluate.
2.      For the teacher
Teacher can evaluate clearly what the result of the English teacher’s strategies in delivering oral corrective feedback. This research can be given to the teacher as variation in delivering oral corrective feedback
3.      For the student
This research as preference toimpress students to be interested in learning English language with enjoyable and can be used to develop their speaking skills.

E.     Resigh Design and Technique of Data Collection
a.      Research Design
The method principally utilized in this research is qualitative method. Qualitative method as suggested by Green and Thorogood (2004), is a selective method used in social context and cultural situation as research questions need the undersanding of the processes, events, and relationships. This method applied when the number of participants or samples is limited.
b.    Population and Sample
a.       Population
Acording to Homby (2005)Population is the people who live in an area, a city, a country etc. In other words, the population is group of objects those aimed to be investigated and observed by the researcher. The targets of population in this research are 3 English teachers and 1st and 2nd grades students of junior high school at SMP Negeri 3 Lhoong in the academic year 2016/2017.

b.      Sample
Acording to Murpy (2009) “Definition of sample is part of population reach that has the same character with population”. The samples selected by the researcher is purposive sampling. The samples of this research consist of 2 English teachers and 4 students of their School. They are the first and second year Students of junior high school at SMP Negeri 3 Lhoong in the academic year 2016/2017. Acording to Syamsudin (2006) gives indication to take the sample, namely is the subject is less than 100. It is better all of them are used. But if the subject is bigger, can take about for 10-15% or 20-25% or more than it as the sample. In this research the researcher takes 2 English Teachers and 4 students from 1st and 2nd  students at SMP Negeri 3 Lhoong as the sample. 

c.       Data Collection Procedures
This research applies observation and interview as the techniques for collecting data.
1.      Observation
Observation will be part of important things in the research observation. As the human instrument, the researcher will do and watch the process lively. According to Syamsudin (2006) Participant observation is observation, which interacts between researcher and subject. It needs long time to analyze observation, rewriting the data regularly. The data will collect by observing completely what the target of research. The researcher observes 2 English teachers and students of 1st and 2nd at SMP Negeri 3 Lhoong Aceh Besar in the academic year 2016/2017. The focus of this observation is to find out the English teacher’s strategies in delivering oral corrective feedback and the students’ perceptions toward the strategy of giving the corrective oral feedback.

2.      Interview
Interview will be the researcher main data collection method. In this case, English teachers will be the researcher interviewer. The interview will be held twice; pre-observation and post observation. The pre-observation interview aims to find out the English teachers’ strategy in proposing oral corrective feedback. Meanwhile, the post-observation interview intends to seek further clarification on the things that teachers did in their teaching performance during my observation. The researcher will provide some questions related to feedback strategy to the teacher and it will be presented in Indonesian.To gain the accurate data, the interview will be audio record. “The advantages for the research in using tape recorder are the researcher can be concentrated toward the information given by the participant and the data which the researcher got will be complete, so that it can make the researcher easier to analyze the data later on. According to Syamsudin (2006) “took note about the important things about the teachers’ and students’ answers when the interview occurred.”

d.             Data Analysis
The data analysis will be utilized using qualitative approach. As stated by Fraenkel & Wallen (1993), the data in qualitative approach will be interpretated through the decription of what the researched has observed or interviewed. The data gathered from interview then will be recorded. The next step is trancribing the information from the recording. Further steps are coding the materials or information, segmenting sentence, and labelling those catagories with some terms. The last process is doing the deep interpretation toward the data.

e.       Terminology
a.       Feedback
Based on the online Oxford Dictionary, word of feedback means: “Information about reactions to a product, a person’s performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basic tool for improvement.” It means that feedback is someone’s responses toward one’s works or actions, whether it is a suggestion or appreciation, aimed to create better quality work’s performance. The feedback which will be analyzed by the researcher is how teacher give the response when the students make the mistake or error in comprehending the materials in teaching; does the feedback given is delievered in negative or positive ways?

b.      Oral Feedback
According to Webster (2012), oral feedback means “the process of giving comprehensible input to the students through explicit correction, clarifiation request and repeatitions.” The oral feedback is the process of giving suggestion, clarification, and direct correction through oral ways and medium. Oral feedback, teachers utilized oral ways in delivering a feedback rather than doing it in a written form. Oral way can be comprehended as giving response to the student’s answer or reaction, whether it is used to strengthen or to correct the answer.


Brookhart, M, S. (2008).How to Give Effective Feedback, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Homby, K. (2005).English as a Second Language from Theory to Practice, New York: Regents Publishing Company, Inc.
Green J and Thorogood N. (2004). Qualitative Methods for Health Research, London: Sage
Hattie, Timperley (2007). The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research, New York: Regents Publishing Company, Inc.
Murpy, A. (2009). The study of language. (3rd edition.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Suharsimi, A. (1998). Teaching language as communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Webster, M. (2012).The Practice of English Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
J., Fraenkel, Wallen, N., (1993). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. USA: MacGraw Hill


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