Prof. Ali Hasmy
was born in district of Idi Tunong, March 28, 1914-died on January 18, 1998.
During his lifetime, he served as the Governor of Aceh that the 6th term from
1957-1964, Rector of IAIN Ar-Raniry Institute (UIN Ar-Raniry now). Besides
Prof. Ali Hasjmy is also known as a scholar, artist, writer, humanist and also
as a politician.
This museum and
Library was first established by the famous Acehnese journalist, historian, author,
6th Acehnese governor, and the ex-rector of Ar-raniry Islamic University Banda
Aceh. It is located in Jenderal Sudirman Street, number 20, lamteumen. Just
like another museum, this destination also provides many historical things,
award certificates, books, and traditional ancient treasures.
Since it was
inaugurated by the Minister of population and environment on January 18, 1991,
the museum was visited by the public, student to student from different areas,
even there are also students from abroad who come to the museum to find their
research material.
This museum
consists of four main rooms; Khatukhanan room which contains ancient books in
early 20th century, the next room Puteh grandmother cultural heritage, which
provides many stores various kinds of cultural heritage Aceh, Khazanah Ali Hasyimi
room which offers the personal documents belonging to Prof Ali Hasyimi, and traditional
Acehnese technology room which store the Acehnese traditional objects and
crafts. There are also six cabinets are lined up neatly in this museum, each of
these cabinets there are various types of books neatly arranged, and also a
closet that holds plaques of appreciation.
The first room
that we are going to explore is the library. The library consists of a hundred
books, categorized from many field of study. You can enjoy reading the old
Acehnese literature books, old legend, and old Acehnese tales (for instance,
“Hikayat Raja PasaI”, and others). Some of the books are written in Arab Jawi language or old Acehnese
language style. Even if you attempt to find some books written in French,
German, Arabic, or English, you will definitely find in this room. The
bookshelf set in neat and offers a lot of choices about what book you want to
read; you can find history book, philosophy, theology, medical science,
politics, and so on right here.
Acehnese Technology Room
The next room
that you cannot miss to get in is traditional Acehnese technology room which
store the Acehnese traditional objects and crafts. This room offers something
that perhaps you will not be able to find in other destinations. You can have a
deep observation on many old heirloom stuffs, historical weapon, and old
Ali Hajmy room
This room offers
many old pictures of Ali Hasyimi family. He had 6 children and 12 grandson.
Most of the pictures show the childhood moment of his children and grandson;
all of them are placed in the old frames. There are also many old albums
represent his journey to many parts of the world and many domestic journeys
around Indonesia.
As a senior and
famous journalist, he had travelled in many places of the world during his
lifetime. Many old pictures feature his journey with his wife to the Eifel
tower, Sydney Opera House, Hollywood Universal Studios, and so on. Besides, he
also achieved many awards and appreciation from national and international institutions.
These awards, mostly are written awards and some others are charters by glass
and medals. Next part, he also had old clocks and watches from Seiko. In the
corner of the room, you will find an old painted photo of Ali Hasyimi and his
wife, they both were in traditional cloth. In the other part, there are many
Acehnese traditional and daily clothes of Ali hasyimi hung onto the hangers.
You can either smell the classic air of the old books and stuffs in this room.
This room
basically consists of workplace for Ali Hasyimi to work or enjoy reading. This
room contains many books written in English, Arabic, and German. You can find
the masterpiece work of Shakespeare’s books which are available a lot; there
also a lot of award and achievement certificates addressed to Ali Hasyimi.
Puteh Room
This is as one
of the best of historical site room at Ali Hasyimi Musium is Nek Puteh room. It
is named after Ali Hasyimi’s grandmother who had raised him from his childhood
as he was an orphan. This room consists a lot of collection those given by Ali
hasyimi’s friends and relatives. Most of the gifts in this room are
animal-shaped copper statues like cat, duck, horse and dragon, which are placed
in glass cabinet; these are ewers in various shapes and patterns. On one side,
there three copper shield hung on the wall and many photographs show Acehnese
past war. In the middle of the room, there is a tiger replica about 1 meter
tall and 1.5 meter long.
Mesium and ali hasyimi libraries known as mesium and the oldest library in
Aceh, but unfortunately, during this society still considers these museums and
libraries as repositories of ancient stuff, so there is no attraction to visit
museums and libraries. Therefore the concept
of the museum must be changed. Museums and libraries are
not simply as a storage of objects and old books, but as a place to restore the
life of the past.
"So, people
come to the museum no longer
see large ancient objects, but look at the past,"
But there are
still many negative side owned by museums and libraries, including:
Lack of attention
to local governments against the management
of the museum and library.
Recording of the museum's
collections are still incomplete because there are still many things that are
not yet present on board information
lack of promotion in
the national or regional scale so that there are
still many Acehnese or not out of aceh do not
know of the existence of the Museum and
library locations.
the lack of regional and
national class event at the
Museum and the library of the Museum and
library so as to make the rare and less on the visit
well, of course the Government of aceh, Office of library and museum
Manager Tourism Office must be able to work together to turn on the museum and
library in accordance with the context of the times. For example, the concept
of a live museum and library, the Manager could turn the story of the past with
an audio visual device so as to make the visitors visited museums and
In conclusion, the Museums and libraries that have been built by Professor Ali
Hasyimi, should be developed and maintained by a local government or province
of the site because the Museum and the library left a wide range of information
and the history of the past become the attraction of the public and overseas
travelers to visit or researching on the history that exists in aceh.
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Click here for commentsit's a good place but it don't look like a historical place. even more there is a library I think the goverment should promote it to be one of historical place that should be visited. btw i like your article a bout it because i think people should know that be know that place, so that the place will not be lost because of ignorance of modern people
Replytoday when you tell us about ALI HASYIMI MUSEUM AND LIBRARY it is very ineresting, because before we don't know about it espacially for me. I don't know where and the history about ALI HASYIMI MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. I think after you give us information about ALI HASYIMI MUSEUM AND LIBRARY, it will make us to go there to see and to get more information of ALI HASYIMI MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. I think in your blog you can put some images of ALI HASYIMI MUSEUM AND LIBRARY. and thank you for your information about ALI HASYIMI MUSEUM AND LIBRARY.
ReplyI never heard about this place, but this is new destination that must visit. where we can find it?
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